I’ll be honest, I made a rookie mistake and didn’t even consider it to be the off-season when I booked our trip to Prince Edward Island. We were looking for a safe destination to hang our head for a little while and escape the every day mundane that had become post-covid, you can only do the same walk so many times before it gets old.
That being said, looking back, I probably wouldn’t have changed a thing if I had realized. Below I’ve outlined all of the reasons why I think you should travel to Prince Edward Island in the off-season.

There are no crowds
Sometimes when people say there are no crowds in a popular destination, they still mean it’s busy enough but nothing compared to peak season. When I say there are no crowds in Prince Edward Island, I mean that 9/10 we had entire beaches to ourselves, for hours, not a soul in sight.
If you plan on visiting Prince Edward Island for, well, Prince Edward Island and not the touristy attractions that have come to be, then off-season is the perfect time to travel.

You’ll save money
Of course, traveling to Prince Edward Island in the off-season means you will find better flight and accommodation meals. We managed to book our entire trip last minute and or a reasonable price because it wasn’t busy. Of course, budgets are subjective but we stayed in a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home right on the water and close to major attractions for $2,000 for 8-nights. Compared to some of the places available to rent in Toronto on the water that’s an absolute steal.
Besides saving money on accommodations, the flights and car rental were cheaper. For a trip that would have cost us likely double had we gone in peak season, I’m pretty happy with how things turned out.

You’ll have more time to explore nature
Again, this is probably subjective but I found that not being distracted by the tourist spots in PEI allowed us more time to actually enjoy what makes the beautiful island so amazing, nature. There are so many beaches and even hikes you can see on the island it would be a shame not to give them your full attention.
I also found that because it wasn’t so crowded, a lot of the popular nature spots were so much more enjoyable. Thunder Cove Beach for one had barely anyone there both times we visited. For one of the most photographed places on the island, it was incredible.