Exploring a new destination is one of my favourite things to do. Clearly. There’s something so exciting about booking a trip to a new part of the world that you’ve never been to before. The anticipation is half of the fun!
Whenever we travel to a new spot though I always get a little bit anxious about enjoying our time. I’ve been on trips in the past where I haven’t done research on the are and it’s been a huge disadvantage. Not only did I miss out on a lot of things that I would have wanted to do but it also left us wandering around wasting time.
There are a number of things we do now before booking a trip to make sure that we’re really going to be enjoying a new destination. The last thing you want to do is spend a lot of money to come home disappointed, spending more money then you intended or worse regretting the trip.
Curious to know how we find ways to prepare our trips and make them easy and stress-free? Read on.

Research the new destination
This might seem obvious to seasoned travelers but honestly this was a hard lesson to learn in the beginning. One time I flew to California with absolutely no plans whatsoever. We had barely researched the destination. While it was fun and exciting not to have any travel plans, it also led to a very stressful and expensive trip – leading us to fly home early.
Before we even choose a destination I always make sure to do as much research as I can. Typically this starts with us picking a time that we want to travel. Once we have our dates in mind I research what destinations have the best weather, easiest flights

I always make sure to find a nice balance between the cost of the flight and the cost of travel once at the destination. Sure, it’s cheap for us Torontonians to fly to Iceland but once you land it’s insanely expensive. Whereas it may be much more expensive to fly to Bali but once you land you can travel cheaply which in some cases can make it much cheaper overall.
Knowing how much you will roughly spend once at the destination can help you plan your budget better. The last thing you want to do is wind up having no more money!
Book in advance
At the risk of sounding neurotic and like someone who over-plans (which self admittedly sometimes I do), I try to do as much planning as possible while still leaving time for spontaneity. Have you ever gotten home from a destination and seen a photo on Instagram and though damn, I wish I visited that spot? Yea, I have and it sucks. Hence, the planning.
I always search on Pinterest and Instagram for the destination so I can make sure to tick off the best hot spots.
I’m also pretty adamant about always having accommodations booked before flying to a destination. After being stranded in Big Sur for a night and having to drive an hour to spend an insane amount of money on a hotel room, I vowed to not let that happen again. I’m just not really a “wing it” kind of person when it comes to sleeping arrangements.
Websites like Booking.com and Expedia let you secure a hotel room with free cancellation so you can give yourself time to search for better deals before your trip. I always find it’s one of the best ways to ensure you’re staying where you want and getting a great deal.
Get a tour
The past couple of vacations we’ve had we’ve booked tours and I’ve loved it. I always find getting taken around by a local or someone who knows the place you’re visiting a fantastic way to get the new destination. There are so many different tours you can do but there are some better than others like these Hanoi tours. That way you get the guides undivided attention.

If you’re going to book a tour I would also strongly recommend you do it at the beginning of your trip. This way you can get a sense of the best places to eat, drink, hang out or just visit. Tour guides are a fantastic source of knowledge and are always happy to help you out.
One of the best tours we ever had was actually hosted by Tourism Switzerland while we visited Basel. It was a good way to see the city quickly and note the places we wanted to go back to. Plus there’s always something about learning the history of the new destination that makes you appreciate it more.
Get up early
I know, you’re on vacation and the last thing you want to do is set an alarm and get up early. If you’re traveling to a popular city or tourist destination I promise you this is well worth it. Plus, it’ll save you tons of time later. Not to mention your photos will be that much better.

Getting up just slightly before everyone else is always one of the best ways to see a new destination without the insane crowds. During our trip to Amsterdam, we didn’t book tickets to the Anne Frank House in advance which meant we ran the chance of not getting in. Having limited time in Amsterdam, I was not going to let that happen. We got up an hour before the place opened to stand in line. Surprisingly we weren’t the only people to do this. It’s a good thing we did though, close to opening time the line was so long it was wrapped around 2 corners!
Always have a place to eat
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been at a destination and have wasted so much time debating where to eat. Breakfast and lunches are usually super easy – either grab something at the hotel or on the go. Dinner, I like to enjoy, especially places with a view.

The first trip we actually made a conscious effort to research good restaurants was Copenhagen. It basically made our trip. Ever since then I research places to go so we at least have options. This doesn’t mean you have to stick by them if you find something better while walking around but at least you’ll have a backup just incase.
One of my
So there you have it, our top recommendations for enjoying a new destination, no matter where it is you’re looking to travel.
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